Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Video Library

For the fourth day of the Middle Ages Library 2010-2011, scheduled for Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 15.30, in Area Events of Libreria Feltrinelli Via Manzoni, 12 Milan for Medieval Movie. Travel in the Middle Ages movie will be screened a short documentary CIVIDALE FRIULI - historical and artistic itinerary .
In the fifth century AD, after the destruction of Iulium Carnicum by the Avars and the Huns from Aquileia, Cividale grew to a population and strategic importance, then became a bishopric and Venetiae caput, inheriting from Aquileia. Came the Lombards in 568, was the capital of the first Lombard duchy d'Italia (Ducato del Friuli), con duca Gisulfo, nipote di Alboino. In quell'epoca mutò nome in Civitas , la città per eccellenza, che divenne poi Cividale. Distrutta dagli Avari (610), rimase un centro importante e risorse con il nome di Civitas Forumiuliana , per diventare il centro militare e politico delle Venezie. Nel 737, durante il regno di Liutprando, vi giunse Callisto Patriarca di Aquileia per sfuggire alle incursioni bizantine. Qui si era rifugiato anche il vescovo di Zuglio, che fu di conseguenza allontanato. La sede del Patriarcato di Aquileia vi rimase anche dopo la cacciata dei Longobardi sino al 1238. Nel 769 vi si tenne il concilio che riconfermò l'indissolubilità del matrimonio.
Under the Franks was then the Duchy brand. The Duke of Friuli Berengar I became king of Italy (888-924) and emperor in 915 also. From the ninth century was called Civitas Austriae , hence the current name. In 1077 the Patriarch received the imperial investiture.
From the twelfth century was a free city and center of a major market, and since then was the greatest political and commercial center around the Friuli, the Emperor Charles IV to obtain the opening of the University in 1353. In 1238 the patriarchs moved to Udine and therefore there were rivalries and struggles with this city. In 1419, during the war with Venice, to drive the Hungarian King Sigismund of the siege, surrendered to Venice Cividale.
By Medieval Italy


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