Friday, January 28, 2011

Read Kamesutra Online

Led by Mr. Kinobe , with For and Valerio" Jarod "48 hours a sull'arenaria the Peak District by flying with Ryan Air to Treviso and then rent a car from East Midlands to the Peak. The blitz is costing us about € 200 all inclusive (with hotel).
First day at Stanage Plantation climb on a beautiful day, cold but not too much, unfortunately there are no pictures of the best best ever performance Valerio ("The Storm", 7b + / c in a quarter of an hour), more extreme boulderer instead following a half day Burbage West, where we go back to "West Side Story" but it's really too cold.
some shots and video with the Go-Pro and some photos of Valerio.


Continue reading ... "

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Things Are Punishable By Death In The Bible

Peak One Shot "Sondrio Street Climbing II - video

The video of ' 2010 edition of" Sondrio Street Climbing " .

Monday, January 24, 2011

Watch Free Brent Corrigan Movie

day guided tour of the Middle Ages in the fifth day

Sabato 26 febbraio 2011 alle ore 11,00 : Il Medioevo corre sull’acqua. Visita guidata alla Chiesa romanica di San Colombano a Vaprio d'Adda (MI) . Ritrovo davanti all'ingresso. Biglietto 5,00 Euro.
G li s T or re us, that h to nn or then v the du to t or fo rti to n to technologies between the decoration of the ancient church know Vaprio and that of b to silica and S. Michele in Pavia and S. Sigismund in Rivolta d 'Adda , or are with c ordered n and the rit black and re know lent and the early twelfth s the eco the s ua building, even if it is difficult to pinpoint the year that was laid the first stone. Certainly the church dedicated to St. Columba - located south of the town, right next to the entrance of the hospital - is an important historical document of the early medieval period . A monument that despite and the alterations occurred in the centuries and the restoration is not always happy, it is claimed in full as a valuable testimony to z of ' Romanesque art in Lombardy. Built with square blocks of sandstone, the church of S . Columba is a building plan to rectangular with a semicircular apse and two chapels on the side facing the river . on the simple and gabled facade stands out in the port the and enriched with columns and pilasters , while the apse, opened in d oculi with diaphragms and small hole carved stone and f or rt and splay, is softened to d a to frame of blind arches , r and tt a d to slender columns . Over st rut t ur to - also simple to ' int and rn or d where a transverse arch of v id and 's to ul to re if r v at to to f and deli by p r es bit and re or - c Attura the attention z ion d and ll ' os s and r be tor careful and the thick d eco r az the or n and s c ultorea that adorns the g the s tipiti and the f to s c ia above the columns and de lp or t to the c enteral , portals on f the to n d c hi and ll ' edificio e i capitelli d e ll ' int e rn o , dove figure più raffinate e compl e sse propongono più chiar e an a logi e con i modelli pavesi. Il r e p e rtorio è quello tipico dell'icono g rafia m e dievale, che alterna a immagini di angeli e s a nti, intr e cci v eg etali, motivi geom e trici e l a rappresenta z ione di mostri e fi g ure fantastiche, simboli d e ll a t e nta z ione e del peccato.  
Le decorazioni dell'esterno
S ullo stipite di sinistra d e the central portal, above the figure of ' arc to ng and Michael to the wings and protects a devout , is recognized as a siren from d or ppi to tail, the symbol of lust and the decorative bands of the capitals show inv and there by some human figures and anim to them, by ' other plant motifs. A more and between next to llo jamb di sinistra r e ca invece l ' imma g ine di un giglio in rilievo, probabile ' firm a' dell ' anonimo scalpellino che realizzò l e decora z ioni (10 st es so motivo si ritrova anche all'int e rno , scolpito su una pietra della cappella di destra). Interessant e notar e il b l Occo stone to ccanto to stipitate and right, on which a mixture of three geometric lines can ess king and interpreted as a symbolic image of the divine Trinity . The ste s know why a plot, derived from ' art c eltic to and rev and know from to Irish culture ( in this regard, remember that S . Columba came from its ' Ireland) appears above the door on the north side to the .
U n to rc or n and to or ppi ag hi and r to divide and in du and to p rti l os p az i o d e ll ' aul a int e rn a (v i s i b i l e a n che d a ll a pi c cola f in es tr a a p e rt a s u l l a fa cc i a t a), r eg ge n do a l co nt e mp o la co p e rtura a f a lde in c l in a t e; l a s u a a p e rt u r a a tr e fo rni c i d à accesso a lla zo n a p r es bi te ri a l e e a l l e d u e capp e ll e l ate r a l i d a ll e v o l t e a c r o c i e r a . C a pite l l i e fr eg i of fr o no u n i nt e r e s ­ s a nt e re p e rt o ri o d e ll a sc u l tur a a l t ome di eva l e, r i cco di figur e um a n e e zoo m o r fe, moti v i ve ge t a li e m os tr the f to nt lobster the , sco the more t i in the to p the and t ra n or n know the to t n t or pe r their be l or r and d eco r to t ivo q u a nto piuttost o co m e s imb o l i , c h e s p esso ris ult a n o i n co mpr e n s ib i li a c h i ogg i li a m m i ra . Così i s ricon osc ono s u i Cape i te lli this n t ra li of e i mm ag i or s imm e tr i c h ee co ntr has ri e: if a or s tr a s i v e d e un a f i g ur a uman a sc hi acc i a t a tra d u e m os tri , ch e sop r a la s u a t e s t a, the n seg no d omi n the or , pose n or the ez am pe; a d es t ra is place in the ' u or mo to under or m and tt ere g the the to ni but them - s imbo l o d e ll a t e nt azione - tr a tt e n en d o li con le pr o pri e m a ni , rese p i ù fo r t i d a l l the f and d and . Int and mary interest nti large and and f R egi in p and and t ra t and n was so pr ag the and the rchi c h and mun and c years c On the and pp e l l e . Qu e ll o di si ni s tr a pr ese nt a un a lun g a t eo­ r ia di a nimal i f a nt as tici, qu e ll o di d estra u n motiv o a i nt recc i o vege t a l e c h e ri cor r e a n c h e a ll ' es t e rn o d e l l a c hi esa.
So l o l ' a b s id e ce ntr a l e co n serva l a d eco ra z i o ne p i tt o ri ca c h e u n t e mp o o r na v a l a c hi esa. A l ce n tro d e l ca tin o co mpa re un a g r an d e c r o c e c i rco nd a t a d a s t and ll and , f or r if r the know the and nt and ag the ia nni de the the f or nd az the or n EOA a ' and p goose d the little s u ccess . S u ll a p are t e d e ll ' absid e, t r a l e f in est r e, si pr ese nt a no in vece a l c un e fi g ur e d i sa n t i , in co rn i c i ate d a m o ti v i a rc h i t e t t onic i e c o l l ega t e tr a l o r o d a f esto ni . I g n oto è rim as t o i l n ome de ll 'a rt i s t a c h e l e dip i n se, int o rn o a ll a f in e d e l XV seco l o. P a rt e nd o d a sini st r a, s i r i co n osce n e l p r imo riquadr o S. B e rn a rd i n o , pos t o a l fi a n co d i S. A nn a e d e ll a Ve r g in e ch e a ll at t a i l Ba mbin o . Seg u e S . Co l omb to n or , co ni the b as t or n and p as toral ee the the know the or d and the his or rdin and , white with and the to the co or mb to p dared a s u ll a s ua s p a l l a ; acca n to a lui , S. B a rb a r a regge s u ll a m a n o u na t or r e , in r i co rd o de l suo ma r t i r i o . Sono qu as i co m p l e t a ment e s co mp a r s i g l i a ff resc hi d e l t e r zo riqu a dr o, c h e raffig u rava no S . P ao l o co n u n ma nt o g i a l l o e un a spa d a . Qu es t 'o p e ra ri su l t a p e r ò p i ù t a rd a ri spetto l e altr e: ve nn e in fa tti dipinta n e l X V II seco l o, q u an d o, con l a d is t r u z ion and a to nt the c or temp the or de of ca t or the a holy place the or (sos t the Tuit or d to the the to c hi e s e tt a di S . B e rnar d i n o) , il s uo c ulto v e nn e trasfe r i t o i n S. Colomb a n o . I l q u a r to e u Lt imo to f fr and sco raff the g u r to S . Bear the to , c h and under a LUN g om to nt dam to sc to to pro protects the and Compage n and, as the and the marti re it the the city à Co the or n ia.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Facts On Triple X Syndrome

Library 2010-2011, the video of the fourth day

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Terrasil Warts On Face

guided tour of the fourth day of the fourth day

Saturday 22 Genni 2011 at 11:00 am: The Middle Ages runs on water. Guided tour of the Ponte di San Rocco in the Collegiate plebeian provost of St. Stephen in Vimercate (MB). Meeting at the bridge. Admission: € 5.00.
Founded on the ruins of an earlier "Roman bridge of the third century, nel XII secolo gli venne sovrapposta una porta difensiva, quella occidentale, citata per la prima volta nel 1153 come "Porta de Moriano" e più bassa della struttura attuale. Nel XIV secolo fu eretta la porta orientale e sopraelevata quella verso il borgo, portando il complesso vicino all'aspetto attuale.
Nel corso dell'Ottocento venne interrata l'ultima arcata orientale, mentre il ponte divenne oggetto di stampe e illustrazioni: da questo periodo l'immagine del ponte fu simbolo di Vimercate.
La torre ovest, verso il centro cittadino, è di pianta trapezoidale e deriva dalla somma di due diversi interventi. Il più antico è costituito dalla porta-torre della fine del XII secolo, con portale concluso da due archi, uno in pietra e l'altro in mattoni. I resti dell'antica porta sono ancora perfettamente conservate e visibili nella parte inferiore, dove su tutti e tre i lati si notano i merli alla guelfa, in laterizio, della Porta de Moriano. Sull'arco in pietra è scolpita una piccola protome umana ad occhi sbarrati, della fine del XII secolo. Questa prima porta venne sopraelevata nella seconda metà del Trecento per svolgere un ruolo difensivo, garantito dai due ordini di feritoie e dagli archi pensili sulla sommità, dai quali era possibile calare liquidi bollenti addosso agli eserciti attaccanti.
La torre orientale, a pianta rettangolare, venne eretta nella seconda metà del XIV secolo. Le forme current of the central wall, brick and completely devoid of openings, resulting from actions of the late sixteenth century. The two sides have the same brick instead of the top of the other tower, that is, alternate courses of bricks with river rock, on which there are four slots. The Bridge of San Rocco, Lombard only example of a fortified medieval bridge, has acquired a strong symbolic value in time and history, as evidenced by the fact that it is the gateway to the village, unlike others, not been written down in 'nineteenth century.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pic Of Veins On Boobs


shots today with the GoPro.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Itchy Skin Stomach Pain

Spring Snow Park?

Tutte le cascate di ghiaccio in crollo, temperature ottime (5°) nella foresta dei Bagni di Masino, già spoglia di neve.

Fo prova l'innominato di Rudy (7a+?)

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tractor With Flail Mower For Sale

San Cassiano - boulder 7b / b +

Fatto due settimane fa nella versione in piedi, oggi rifatto con un sit-start che gli aggiunge almeno mezzo grado. Bellissimo boulder su bordo strapiombo e dura chiusura finale. Fin troppo caldo oggi, si scalava without shirt ... and we are in mid-January ... Sore point for
Mogh you take out the inner thigh in the bead of the passage.

Angle a bit 'cut which highlights the difficulty to aim well micro-Go Pro.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Where To Buy Clothes Rack In Singapore?

Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino - Show @ Paladanze Siracusa (2/4) 08/01/...

How Long Ringworm Heal

Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino - Show @ Paladanze Siracusa (1/4) 08/01/...

Sample Request Letter For Musical Donations

Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino - Show @ Paladanze Siracusa (4/4) 08/01/...

When Will Chevy Tahoe Change

Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino - Show @ Paladanze Siracusa (3/4) 08/01/...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brazilian Wax Cause Infection?

Domenica 16 gennaio, Practice Milonga

Sunday, January 16 from 15.30 to 17.00 practice assisted on MILONGA , conducted by Claudio COPPOLA and Natacha LOCKWOOD .

participation cost € .5

Following the practice is not assisted voluntary donations. Usual buffet
sweet and salty drinks included.

News: Vin Brule by Fabio, bring the cup home!

City Hall drinking fountains in the neighborhood, Via Sicilia 55 (corner Viale Palermo), 1st floor.
(entry is in the tunnel beneath the building).

View Larger Map

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

37 Weeks Pregnant And Sore Throat

Waterfalls of Ice

Call it 15 years ago because I see them form and dissolve through the kitchen window, my "thermometer" staff for the ice conditions.
After decades of waiting and Ricky go up the first line that we meet (2 pitches), one of the few with enough ice.
But - and it's up come back another time - the original kitchen was the waterfall to the left.

San Martino

Monday, January 3, 2011

Reading Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector


Have you done your good?

Thursday afternoon, Jan. 6, from 15 to 20 people practicing tango in Riccione, communal lounge area drinking fountains, Via Sicilia 55 (corner Viale Palermo), 1st floor.
(the'ingresso all''edificio is located in the gallery below).

Convenient parking for brooms.

Tanguero The practice of singing, to socialize, test, train, dance.

Buffet (coal or sweet?) Salty drinks

Input a offerta libera

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Calorie Burn Calculator Arc Trainer

Video Library

For the fourth day of the Middle Ages Library 2010-2011, scheduled for Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 15.30, in Area Events of Libreria Feltrinelli Via Manzoni, 12 Milan for Medieval Movie. Travel in the Middle Ages movie will be screened a short documentary CIVIDALE FRIULI - historical and artistic itinerary .
In the fifth century AD, after the destruction of Iulium Carnicum by the Avars and the Huns from Aquileia, Cividale grew to a population and strategic importance, then became a bishopric and Venetiae caput, inheriting from Aquileia. Came the Lombards in 568, was the capital of the first Lombard duchy d'Italia (Ducato del Friuli), con duca Gisulfo, nipote di Alboino. In quell'epoca mutò nome in Civitas , la città per eccellenza, che divenne poi Cividale. Distrutta dagli Avari (610), rimase un centro importante e risorse con il nome di Civitas Forumiuliana , per diventare il centro militare e politico delle Venezie. Nel 737, durante il regno di Liutprando, vi giunse Callisto Patriarca di Aquileia per sfuggire alle incursioni bizantine. Qui si era rifugiato anche il vescovo di Zuglio, che fu di conseguenza allontanato. La sede del Patriarcato di Aquileia vi rimase anche dopo la cacciata dei Longobardi sino al 1238. Nel 769 vi si tenne il concilio che riconfermò l'indissolubilità del matrimonio.
Under the Franks was then the Duchy brand. The Duke of Friuli Berengar I became king of Italy (888-924) and emperor in 915 also. From the ninth century was called Civitas Austriae , hence the current name. In 1077 the Patriarch received the imperial investiture.
From the twelfth century was a free city and center of a major market, and since then was the greatest political and commercial center around the Friuli, the Emperor Charles IV to obtain the opening of the University in 1353. In 1238 the patriarchs moved to Udine and therefore there were rivalries and struggles with this city. In 1419, during the war with Venice, to drive the Hungarian King Sigismund of the siege, surrendered to Venice Cividale.
By Medieval Italy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Where To Buy Dunlop Volley Shoes In New Zealand

kitchen, first ascents in Valmasino

The Valmasino is not a 3 star spot for ice climbing, but the its reputation if the summer drags during the period of the falls, when taken by assault the most classic ("Durango" and "Merdarola" in the first place, dreaming of when it's cold Falls Iron ). For the low altitude the period best is still short and limited compared to other places (December-February for the classic in the valley, until the end of March to the beautiful waterfalls and technical Pioda).

In scrapbook, find and open a few climbs in these valleys, some become classics in recent years ("Overcouloir", "Supermerdarola", "Couloir of Lobbia"), others yet to be discovered for repeaters are willing to walk a bit '.

1991, the magical year for ice climbers;
Luciano Barbieri started the 'Overcouloir " al Monte Piezza,
prima salita con lui e Popi Miotti
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